This article is to assist users who are having trouble receiving emails from Flashtract.
- If you are having trouble receiving emails from Flashtract such as your account verification email then there is a good chance they are being quarantined.
- Your email service is most likely mistaking our emails as spam which is why you are not receiving them.
- This can be fixed usually by adding the email no-reply@flashtract.com to your whitelist.
- Below are instructions for adding emails to your whitelist for Outlook and Gmail providers. If you need additional assistance please reach back out to Flashtract support and we would be happy to help!
How to whitelist an email address with Gmail:
Sign in to your account at Gmail.com and do the following:
Add the address to your contacts
Add the email address that is sending you emails (eg no-reply@flashtract) to your Gmail Contacts. Google will usually deliver email from addresses that are in your Contacts.
Mark messages as ‘Not spam’
If Gmail has marked emails you wish to whitelist as spam, tell Gmail the emails are not spam.
In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist (eg no-reply@flashtract.com).
Select all the emails shown.
Click More and then Not spam.
Create a filter for the address
Create a filter to tell Google to whitelist emails from a domain (eg @flashtract.com)
Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then Settings
Click on Filters and then Create a new filter
Either enter the domain (@flashtract.com) in the From field or enter the email address (no-reply@flashtract.com) you want to whitelist in the To field
Click Create filter with this search
In the box headed When a message arrives that matches this search select Never send it to spam
Click the Create filter button
How to whitelist an email address with Outlook.com
For Outlook.com, Windows Live Mail, Hotmail and MSN Mail, sign in to your account at Outlook.com and do the following.
Add the address to your contacts
Add the email address that is sending you emails (eg no-reply@flashtract.com) to your Outlook.com Contacts. Outlook.com will usually deliver email from addresses that are in your Contacts.
Add the address to your safe senders
Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then More mail settings
Select Safe and blocked senders and then Safe senders
Add the domain (@flashtract.com) to the list of Safe senders
Return to Safe and blocked senders and then select Safe mailing lists
Add the email address (no-reply@flashtract.com) to the list of Safe mailing lists
If you have any questions please contact Flashtract support: 1 (678) 850-9803 or email us at support@flashtract.com.
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