Company Roles / Permissions:
- A company-level admin can perform any company-level action.
- A company-level admin may receive compliance document notification emails when the sub contractor uploads a new required compliance document, and when the general contractor marks an uploaded compliance document as "not compliant"
- Only if there are no company-level maintainers.
- A curator can create new projects, and accept or decline project and contract invitations.
- A company-level maintainer can edit company members' access roles, update company information, and add or remove company members' access. (Excluding admin access, as this can only be granted or removed by another admin)
- A company-level maintainer will receive compliance document notification emails when the sub contractor uploads a new required compliance document, and when the general contractor marks an uploaded compliance document as "not compliant".
- A company-level accountant has the ability to mark a pay period as Ready for Payment..
- A company-level accountant will not receive compliance document notification emails when the sub contractor uploads a new required compliance document, nor when the general contractor marks an uploaded compliance document as "not compliant".
- A company-level issuer can issue an ACH payment if an invoice is Ready to Pay, and if the Sub Contractor has payments enabled on their account. Also, these users can leave comments on a contract and read comments left by other users.
- A company-level issuer will not receive compliance document notification emails when the sub contractor uploads a new required compliance document, nor when the general contractor marks an uploaded compliance document as "not compliant".
If you have any questions please contact Flashtract support: 1 (678) 850-9803 or email us at
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